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Dr. Girdhar Gyani held the prestigious assignment as Secretary-General, Quality Council of India (apex quality body of country) during 2003-12. He was assigned the responsibility for establishing & operating a national accreditation structure and promoting quality in all walks of life. Starting with a team as small as four members, Dr. Gyani has raised QCI to a level, where it is playing a key role in facilitating quality as a national framework for vast canvass ranging from manufacturing, education, skill development, environment, healthcare, and governance (public services), benefiting Indian Trade & Industry on a global platform. Dr. Gyani has the rare distinction of serving as an elected director on the board of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF) for 6-years (2004-10). He has worked extensively on improving the effectiveness of the quality certification process through actual field validation, findings of which have appeared in prominent international quality journals. He is widely traveled and has been invited speaker at several international seminars on quality. He has been promoting using of third party conformity assessment structure to improve regulatory quality and in turn effectiveness in governance with the motto; “Quality for National Well Being” His contribution in developing accreditation scheme for Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) for the first time in the country has been widely appreciated by the government as well as by industry. Likewise, he has contributed a great deal in promoting quality in Food Safety in close association with the Ministry of Food Processing Industry and Food Safety Standards Authority of India. Dr. Gyani has been the lead faculty for a large number of QMS LA courses. He also has been lead faculty for Laboratory Assessor courses for National Accreditation Board for Test & Calibration Laboratories (NABL). Dr. Gyani has been ASSESSOR for both the accreditation boards i.e. NABCB (MLA member of IAF) and NABL (MRA member of ILAC) as per ISO 17011.
One of his towering contributions has been in establishing and operating a nationally accreditation structure (NABH) for healthcare for the first time in the country and where he worked as its CEO till he superannuated in July 2012. The accreditation program covers hospitals, nursing homes, blood banks diagnostic centers, and clinics. The standards have helped about 200- leading hospitals in the country to get global recognition and in turn providing a boost to medical tourism. He has also helped a number of state governments in improving quality in public health establishments like district hospitals and Primary Health Centers (PHCs) through capacity-building measures. This includes states like NCT Delhi, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, J&K, Haryana, and Punjab. This has already begun to yield much-needed improvement in patient safety indicators in these states. He was inducted as a member of the Academic Council of the Medical Council of India (MCI) to improve the assessment process for medical colleges. He has the distinction of being the first Indian to have served as an elected director on the board of the International Society for Quality in Health care (ISQua) for years 2009-11 and again for 2011-14, which is a great honor for the country.
In the area of education, based on the task assigned by Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, then President of India, Dr. Gyani has the distinction of evolving for the first time in the country, the quality accreditation standard for schools which defines quality governance in schools for providing holistic development of students. The standard has been adopted by Schools affiliated with Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS). The standard has also been adopted by governments of Maharashtra, Bihar, Sikkim, and Assam. All these measures will have a far-reaching effect on the quality of education in government schools. He has also been instrumental in evolving similar standards for vocational training institutions and for skill assessment bodies, with a view to having a skilled/employable workforce in the country, in line with the target set by PMO. The standard has been adopted by the Ministry of Labour as essential criteria for affiliation of new Industrial Training Institutes, once again raising the quality of vocational training in the country. He has also played a key role in establishing bilateral agreements with countries like Scotland (UK), Germany, and Australia in recognizing vocational education programs, which will help cross migration of skilled workforce and thereby providing a boost to Trade & Industry. His long-cherished mission has been to take quality to grass root levels and he got the opportunity to translate this by developing unique Quality criteria for quality governance of GRAM PANCHAYAT (GP) and put it into practice in 104 GPs in the state of Karnataka. This is going to have a far-reaching impact in empowering society on the grass root. Dr. Gyani was felicitated by Mr. Sadananda Gowda, Hon’ Chief Minister of Karnataka for this incredible initiative. Dr. Gyani holds a Doctorate degree in Quality. He has been conferred with 16th Lal C. Verman Award in the year 2002 in recognition of his distinguished contribution in the field of standardization, precision measurement & quality control. He is the recipient of the Rotary Centenary Award in the year 2004 for Excellence in the field of Quality.
Dr. Girdhar J. Gyani has distinguished himself in being a rare quality professional that has made break thru contribution in the advancement of quality in all fields of industry and public services, ranging from the manufacturing industry, healthcare, education, governance, vocational training, and government services, all at the apex level. In a short span of 9-years, Dr. Gyani has virtually transformed the quality scenarios of the country all aimed at National Well Being. One of the prominent industry magazines; SME WORLD in its cover story of June 2012 issue has deservingly described Dr. Gyani as Quality Man of India.